Aesthetic Dental Care

Your smile is one of the most important aspects of your appearance. With the many recent advances in dentistry, Dr. Matlock & Dr. Looney can create a positive change to your teeth and smile.


Porcelain Crowns– Porcelain crowns are the ideal way to enhance your smile and restore the strength to your teeth.


Porcelain Inlays and Onlays– Porcelain inlays and onlays are used to replace metal fillings to look and function more like your natural teeth. They are securely bonded to prevent further decay and stabilize the surrounding tooth structure.


Composite Fillings– Composite fillings are tooth-colored fillings that provide natural looking restorations.


Teeth Whitening– Everybody loves a bright smile. Over time teeth become stained for many reasons. Tooth whitening is a process that can remove stain. Dr. Builder can recommend the whitening treatment that is right for you.


Veneers– Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. Veneers are the perfect treatment for people with teeth that are stained, chipped, or poorly shaped. They are custom-made of ceramic and look like natural teeth.


Bonding– Bonding is tooth colored resin used to improve or hide a visible defect found on a tooth’s surface.


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